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K42 n004

2+2 Seats Electric Golf Cart

K42 n006

4+2 Seats Electric Golf Cart

K42 n003

6+2 Seats Electric Golf Cart

About Us

Shandong Yuanhai international Trading Co., Ltd. Has been committedio providing high-quality, environmentally friendly, and innovative electricgolf carts to customers wordwide since its inception, and has receivedhigh praise from domestic and international clients. With excellent productquality and a comprehensive service system, we have established a goodreputation in the industry and actively developed international markets.

As a company with extensive export experience, Yuanhai has establishedextensive partnerships around the world. We have a professional R&Dteam, rigorous production processes, and efficient logistics systemproviding customized electric golf cart solutions for international customersIn 2022, we provided venue vehicles for the Qatar World Cup.



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Based on more than ten years of industry experience of the Hiseass team, and in the spirit of cooperation that prioritizes the interests of customers, we can provide our partners with the most competitive products and services.

Different from others, Kinghike has its own production facilities, covering an area of 45,000 square meters, with four complete processes of body manufacturing, painting, welding and assembly. We can greatly shorten the delivery time to 20~30 days.

Hiseas has the most advanced high-torque electric drive technology in the industry, the maximum gradient can reach 50%, which can completely replace the traditional fuel drive system. In terms of product quality control, we use the core components of automotive-grade part suppliers, and the product life cycle quality management system is adopted to ensure that Kinghike's products have excellent performance and durability.

Using our unique 3D printing and polymer composite material technology, we have successfully shortened the development cycle of new products to the shortest 1 month.

Client Testimoni

We Are Trusted Over 16+ Countries Worldwide

Here are a few customer reviews translated into English to showcase the advantages of HISEAS electric golf carts and customer satisfaction

I recently purchased a HISEAS electric golf cart, and I am extremely satisfied with its performance and quality. Its battery life is long, acceleration is quick, and it operates very quietly. My experience on the golf course has been greatly enhanced, and I'm impressed by the reliability and excellent craftsmanship of the HISEAS brand. Highly recommended!" -

George George

As a golf enthusiast, I have been searching for a reliable electric golf cart, and luckily, I came across the HISEAS brand. Their electric golf carts not only have a stylish design but also offer outstanding performance. I particularly love their intelligent control system, which allows for personalized adjustments based on my preferences. At the same time, its silent operation and energy efficiency make me extremely satisfied with my choice of HISEAS

Lillian Designation

As a golf course operator, choosing HISEAS as our supplier for electric golf carts has been a wise decision. Their product quality is excellent, and their performance is stable and reliable. Our customers have spoken highly of the comfort and environmental features of HISEAS electric golf carts. Additionally, HISEAS' customer service team is professional and responsive. We are very satisfied with choosing HISEAS as they are an ideal long-term partner for us

robot young
Jackson Golf Course Designation

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High quality electric golf cart battery life extended by 2 years

电动高尔夫球车是实用和可持续交通的巅峰之作,无论您是在大型度假胜地巡游、探索社区还是在活动中超速行驶。 无论您走到哪里,您都需要知道您的汽车有足够的电池寿命将您带到目的地。 Electric golf cart High quality的电池能用多久? 继续阅读以了解更多信息! 1.定期充电可以有效延长高尔夫球车 的电池寿命 保持电池运行的秘诀是良好的充电习惯。 它最大限度地提高了驾驶乐趣,并最大限度地减少了驾驶高尔夫球车的麻烦。 即使您的高尔夫球车电池仍有电,也要定期充电,以保持其处于最佳状态并为您的下一次冒险做好准备。 这是保持高尔夫球车电池以最高效率运行并延长其使用寿命的关键。 2.避免深度放电 为了延长电动高尔夫球车电池的使用寿命,避免严重放电很重要。 那么究竟什么是深度放电呢? 与汽油动力电池类似,深度放电是“耗尽果汁”——耗尽动力,几乎耗尽。 深度放电电池会增加化学反应,并可能造成损坏,从而缩短电池寿命。 无论您的车辆使用现代锂离子电池还是更传统的铅酸电池,避免深度放电都至关重要。 定期为您的高尔夫球车充电,使驾驶体验更加精彩。 充满电的电池不仅可以为您提供更多电量、更长的冒险时间和更流畅的驾驶体验,还可以帮助您长期维护电池。 3. 妥善储存 在高尔夫球车电池中释放持久能量的秘诀是妥善储存!在存放您的车辆之前,有一条黄金法则需要遵循。存放前,请确保电池已充满电。无论是存放一周还是长时间,这都是电池长期维护的关键。如果您将购物车存放超过几周,最好断开电池以防止放电。当您准备再次启动发动机时,这将有助于保持电池健康和供电。

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